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Extreme Vocal Production
Welcome to the Course (1:19)
Producer Mindset & Song Vision (3:23)
Hear The Song!
Pre-Production (4:06)
Music Production Breakdown (1:44)
Vocal Pre-Production (40:05)
Microphones & Techniques (10:07)
Vocal Chain Setup & Levels (14:19)
Vocal Tracking - Scream Main Vocals (38:14)
Vocal Tracking - Pitched Screams (47:45)
Vocal Tracking - Clean Main Vocals (46:20)
Vocal Tracking - Harmonies - 1 (37:59)
Vocal Tracking - Harmonies - 2 (42:28)
Vocal Tracking - Layered & Effect Vocals - 1 (26:09)
Vocal Tracking - Layered & Effect Vocals - 2 (38:28)
Vocal Tracking - Layered & Effect Vocals - 3 (41:06)
Vocal Tracking - Layered & Effect Vocals - 4 (26:07)
Vocal Tracking - Gang Vocals (9:10)
What Is Editing (2:39)
Editing Principles, Tools & Techniques (32:54)
Vocal Editing - Scream Main Vocals (19:54)
Vocal Editing - Scream Doubles & Backups (10:55)
Vocal Editing - Clean Main Vocals (16:56)
Vocal Editing - Harmony & Backup Vocals (13:38)
Vocal Bouncing (3:13)
Vocal Tuning - Clean Main Vocals (24:56)
Vocal Tuning with Melodyne (8:34)
Vocal Tuning - Backup & Layered Vocals (13:52)
Vocal Tuning - Pitched Screams (9:35)
Consolidating & Exporting (34:38)
Mix Session Setup (18:57)
Mixing - Pitched Scream Vocals - 1 (45:19)
Mixing - Pitched Scream Vocals - 2 (44:23)
Mixing - Clean Vocals - 1 (35:10)
Mixing - Clean Vocals - 2 (23:43)
Mixing - Scream Vocals - 1 (28:38)
Mixing - Scream Vocals - 2 (16:07)
Mixing - Other Vocals - 1 (47:27)
Mixing - Other Vocals - 2 (30:45)
Mixing - Vocal Bus & Automation (16:58)
Wrap Up
Overall Production & Final Thoughts (1:51)
Bonus #1 - MultiTracks & Stems
COURSE - Stems
COURSE - Raw Vocal Tracks
COURSE - Unedited Vocal Tracks
COURE - Edited Vocal Tracks
BONUS - Phoenix - Raw Tracks
BONUS - Rest - Raw Tracks
Bonus #2 - ChronoKit Drum Library
ChronoKit Drum Library & Samples
How to Install Chronokit (2:33)
Multi-Output Template In Cubase for ChronoKit (11:02)
How To Program Drums With ChronoKit (24:12)
Vocal Tracking - Gang Vocals
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